Woodworking is the activity or skill of making items from wood, and includes cabinet making (cabinetry and furniture), wood carving, joinery, carpentry, and woodturning. Along with stone, clay and animal parts, wood was one of the first materials worked by early humans. The development of civilization was closely tied to the development of increasingly greater degrees of skill in working these materials. Even as metalworking developed, a part of the metalworking skills supported the development of more refined tools to advance the arts of woodworking.
Woodworkers were once limited to working with the woods native to their region. With today’s transportation and trade innovations exotic woods from all over the world are available to craftsman. Advances in technology and the demands of industry have driven changes to woodwork as a field. New power tools, including Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) machine tools and advances in manufactured woods give modern craftsmen a greater range of woodworking abilities than ever before.
This course is a prerequisite to all e-VOTECH’s woodworking programs. The course starts with explanations of basic wood terminology, then move into descriptions of several more popular types of woods. You’ll learn about the biology of trees, characteristics of woods, and understand the different types of wood. All of e-VOTECH’s programs comply with the Woodwork Career Alliance (WCA) certifications and standards.
- 6 Sections
- 20 Lessons
- 30 Minutes
- Lesson One: IntroductionProvides course learning objectives, student expectations, available resources, and explanation of the structured online learning format.4
- Lesson Two: Structure of WoodsWood is a unique building material as it is a once-living substance. This gives it properties no other building material contends with.6
- 3. Lesson Three: Characteristics of WoodsThe living characteristics of wood fuse with lumber cuts to create unique grain patterns.6
- Lesson Four: Beautiful WoodsLet's take a look at a sampler of beautiful woods you may one day work with.3
- Final QuizThis is the end of course quiz.1
- Inspirational / Aspirational - Optional LearningOptional learning; These videos showcase advanced woodworking skills used in building one-of-a-kind furniture pieces. You will have mastered these skills by completion of your woodworking program.1
Woodworkers United!
A forum for all students pursuing a career path in woodworking trades. Students are also encouraged to post photos of your completed woodworking projects here.
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